At Tours In Copenhagen, we chose a jester as our logo. The jester symbolizes exactly what we do and how we do it.
A jester was known as an entertainer who often traveled from city to city and country to country entertaining kings as well as the common man. He was a storyteller who told true stories with a twist of humor. The jester knew about history, contemporary events and the town happenings. This made him the newspaper, internet and postman of his time.
At Tours In Copenhagen we see our job as being very similar to the jester of the past. Our guides know our history and we know how to tell a good story. We also believe that history is the mirror reflecting the future.

Our tours are based in the heart of Copenhagen. We are able to communicate globally and fluently with guests from all around the world, while organising their stay in the capital of the world’s oldest kingdom.
At Tours In Copenhagen we see our job as being very similar to the jester of the past. Our guides know our history and we know how to tell a good story. We also believe that history is the mirror reflecting the future.

Kristian Dahl Søttrup
Born and raised in the mainland of Denmark, Jutland, Kristian first moved to Copenhagen in 1999 to join the army by serving in the Royal Guard. He instantly felt in love with Copenhagen and started exploring the city with his Copenhagen born uncle, who was a living wikipedia of knowledge, legends and stories.
Kristian has spent the majority of the past 24 years in Copenhagen, with studies and work abroad in Argentina, Italy and England. Since 2008 Kristian have been guiding more than 500 tours and regards this to be the worlds best part-time job. His main profession is Assistant Professor at a Business Academy. Kristian pairs his in-depth knowledge of history with his communications skills and excellent sense of humor. He also wrote this text himself.

Ditte Karlsbøll Jensen
Ditte is a passionate guide and teacher. She grew up in the picturesque neighborhood of Christianshavn in Copenhagen and has spent most of her life here. Ditte love Cph and all it´s beautiful architecture, green areas, the fresh air and the harbour where she swims all year around like a true Viking. She combines her knowledge of the history with her wining personality and charm.
Her husband wrote this text about her.
本公司紮根於丹麥首都哥本哈根,並曾獲獎項。 我們致力為不同人士提供服務,讓他們能盡情享受在丹麥旅遊的時光。我們提供豐富及富娛樂性的私人旅行團和豪華觀光團,亦能為客人籌辦活動。我們的服務對象廣泛,包括旅客、自遊行遊客、旅行社及活動統籌公司。 如閣下有興趣參加本公司的旅行團,或想擁有度身訂制的旅程,歡迎聯絡我們
الخدامات التي نوفرها
نحن وكالة أسفار و سياحية متحصله على عدة جوائز موجودة في قلب العاصمة الدانمركية كوبنهاغن.
للاطلاع و اكتشاف المدينة و معالمها وكل ما توفر من متاحف وخصوصيات.
بإمكاننا أن نوفر رحلات و جولات سياحية خاصة ممتعة، ويمكننا أيضا أن نقدم المساعدة لاستضافة عدة الأحداث.
ضيوفنا سواح و مسافرين و صانعي الأحداث الذين يريدونا لاستفادة الكاملة بوقتهم في الدانمرك.
يمكن الحجز في إحدى الجوالات التي نوفرها لحر فاءنا الكرام أو الاتصال المباشر معنا لنضع برنامج ثري حسب طلبكم و رغبتكم.
La empresa tiene sus raíces en Copenhague, Dinamarca, y ha ganado premios.
Nos comprometemos a brindar servicios a diferentes personas para que puedan disfrutar de su tiempo en Dinamarca. Ofrecemos un recorrido privado rico y entretenido y un recorrido turístico de lujo. También podemos organizar eventos para nuestros huéspedes. Atendemos a una amplia gama de clientes, incluidos turistas, turistas, agencias de viajes y empresas de coordinación de eventos.
Si está interesado en participar en un recorrido por la empresa o desea realizar un viaje a medida, contáctenos.
We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information and purchase history. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We also collect personally identifiable information (including name, email, password, communications); payment details (including credit card information), comments, feedback, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile.